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电话: 0756-7237777-382
姓名: Anna
Prntpro Technology CO.,Ltd

  Printpro Technology, a leader in printing consumables, originated from Hong Kong and grows in China. Printpro is specializing in developing, producing and distributing toner cartridges mainly. Founded in 2001, Printpro Technology utilizes state of the art production systems, world class technology, and stringent quality control, to ensure complete customer satisfaction with every product it supplies. Printpro Technology is seeking to expand market awareness and penetration actively in the field of remanufactured printing consumables. With a view to joining this successful team, Printpro Technology sincerely invites cooperation and opportunities as an OEM supplier, a regional distributor or ...

主要产品/业务: toner cartridge

Prntpro Technology CO.,Ltd / 广东 / No 588,Honghui 2nd Road,Hongqi Town,Jinwan District,Zhuhai,C (519000 ) / 电话:0756-7237777-382

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